Jesstopia Wiki


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Jesstopia Wiki
Jesstopia Wiki

The United States Of Jesstopia is a nation that was founded on November 14, 1806 and was formed as a new nation by Jesstinian The Great. Jesstopia is a constitutional republic and is one of the largest superpowers in the world. Jesstopia is lead by a President as the Head Of State and the country has the third largest economy, just behind the US and Canada. The country boasts an impressive 13 states and is rapidly growing its population. Jesstopia has the strongest relations with the United States, Canada, Scotland, the UK, and Ireland.


The United States Of Jesstopia was founded and established as a true nation in 1806, by Jesstinian The Great. It was incorporated as a true nation after fighting a civil war commonly known as the Jesstopian-American War. According To The Jesstopian Department Of War And Battles, The Jesstopian-American War was the seventh deadliest war in the world and the eighth deadliest war in history.

The Jesstopians won the battle in 1812 when the United States withdrew troops from Washington D.C's capitol. The United States Of Jesstopia, conceded troops from America, which officially ended the bloodshed. The Country established its own island that was undiscovered until about 1805-06. They Jesstopian People established the island as their own semi-nation. The nation was the formed by building out approximately 4,591 square miles. This took about 59 years to create the countries current size. The country has also been the home of the Earth's greatest and most dangerous mammals, and sea creatures. The Nation drew its first signs of life about 550 Million years ago.


Major Airports[]

Major Airports Of The U.S.J
Name Code Opened Age
Rufus County Int'l Airport JRCI 08/12/2018

6 Years Old

Towton Int'l Airport JTOW 7/9/2020

4 Years Old

Rufus-Nimitz International Airport JRNI TBD TBD
Alden International Airport JALD TBD TBD

Airport Statistics[]

Civil/Commercial Airports[]

Civil/Commercial Airports
Airport Type No. Of Active Airports Projected No. Of Airports
International Airport(s) DataError 10,000+(By End Of 2025)
Municipal Airport(s) DataError 5,000+(By End Of 2030)
General Aviation Airports DataError 15,00

Military Airports[]

Military Airports
Branch Total Base Type Base Website
Army 500 Military Base
Navy 50 Naval Yard
Marines 100 Marine Corp Base
Air Force 100 Air Force Base


States In The U.S.J
No State Governor Abreviation
1 New Shire Lynn Rodgers NS
2 Mesa Joshua Adamson MA
3 Lorray Nicole Pitless L
4 North Lorray Linda Lee NL
5 South Lorray Thomas Adamshick SL
6 Hilson Westley Bronson HI
7 Cameron David Spane CM
8 Porter Rachel Hopkins PT
9 Jordan David Roberts JN
10 Acacia Harry Richards AC
11 Brighton Gina Loakland BN
12 Le Mont Brandon Kelleher LM
13 Lisbon Orion Cantolese LB

Sovereign Nations and Territories[]

Sovereign Nations and Territories Of The United States Of Jesstopia
No. Name Leader Type Seeking Statehood?
1 Cambridge Frederick Ricketts

(Prime Minister)

Sovereign Nation No
2 Dorian Hany Rigg

(Territorial Governor)

Territory Yes
3 Bridger Ramsey Layton

(Territorial Governor)

Territory Yes
4 Ivan Bufford Rodgers

(Territorial Governor)

Territory Yes
5 Rollins Craig Roden

(Territorial Governor)

Territory Yes
6 Jesstopian Islands Ruth Bobbins

(Territorial Governor)

Territory No
7 Dyrk Brendan Ark

(Territorial Governor)

Territory Yes
8 Portsmouth Jackson West

(Territorial Governor)

Territory Yes


Today's Currency[]

The currency that is used in the United States of Jesstopia is the Jesstopian Dollar. The Jesstopian Dollar was not the first currency to be used by the United States of Jesstopia. Jesstopia has had 3 other Currencies, which are outlined in the next section.

Current and Past Currencies[]

Past Currencies
No. Currency First Used Last Used Use Duration
1st British Pound April 2, 1792 November 14, 1806 14.8 Years
2nd Treasury Bonds November 14, 1806 September 3, 1807 1.2 Years
3rd Gold Bars September 4, 1807 April 6, 1821 13.7
4th Jesstopian Dollar April 6, 1821 N/A Present


The United States Of Jesstopia has a Democratic System of Government which operates like the Government Of The United States of America.

Ultimate Authority[]

The Ultimate Authority is vested in the Constitution of the United States Of Jesstopia. The U.S.J Supreme Court is also the ultimate authority of Jesstopia as it seeks that laws, policies and actions are constitutional and fall within the powers and authorities of the President and Government.

Heads Of State[]


The President Of The United States Of Jesstopia plays a major role in the effective operation and safety of the nation. Generally, the President is the only politician in Jesstopia who can establish roles, create executive orders, and enact said orders. The President is the formal national image of the United States Of Jesstopia. The President works alongside the Vice President.

Vice President[]

The Vice President Of The United States Of Jesstopia is the second in command, as he only becomes acting President, following a President's Resignation, Impeachment and Removal From Office or the Acting President's Death. See Famous Presidential Line Of Succession events in Jesstopia.


The Government is made up of three branches. These branches are the Legislative, Executive and Judicial. These branches work in a checks and balance system, the same as the United States Government. The Jesstopian Government is given different levels. These levels are Federal, State, County, City, Town and Local. These different levels have varying degrees of power that are granted to their governments.

Federal Government[]

The Jesstopian federal government has extensive authority over nationwide issues, topics and federal laws. The Jesstopian Federal government also has the constitutional responsibility to protect borders, establish a federal budget, overhear federal cases in the Supreme Court, and ensure that all Jesstopian rights are being respected. The Federal Government is responsible for creating social, economic, safety and security and financial policy for the entirety of the United States Of Jesstopia. The country has operated with this goal since its founding back in 1806. The United States Of Jesstopia is governed by the Congress Of The United States Of Jesstopia, which is made up of the House Of The People and Senate Of The United States Of Jesstopia. The House is the lower chamber of Congress. It is lead by a Speaker. The Senate is the upper chamber of Congress with the power to try impeachments, and has the sole authority to confirm Presidential appointments and hold impeachment trials of elected officials.

State Government[]

The 13 states have their own established governments, follow the Federal and State constitutions. The roles of State governments are to provide social, economic and financial, and security policy to protect the people of those individual states. State governments only have authority over the area within their state borders. Some states have laws that allow other states, in some cases, to operate temporarily within their borders. Examples of this include; pursuits that start in one state and enter another, there is a fugitive on the run or a joint operation is taking place.

County Government[]

A county government is still relatively powerful, but the power is only recognized in the borders of the counties in which these governments are located. County governments work closely with the state government in major events including flooding, heavy snowfall and other weather-related emergencies. When not working to address emergency situations, most county governments are voting on and signing bills into laws that will effect that county. It's authority ends once outside of the county's line.

City Government[]

City governments are the governments that run cities around a state. They have far less authority than county governments. They only have jurisdiction to make laws, ordinances and impose curfews on people of that city. The city government does work with State, and County officials and often times works with the Federal government to address a major weather emergency. City officials, make up the government.

Local Government[]

Local government is responsible for making ordinances and laws for a specific area of a city, and are generally overruled by City government. Local governments are usually issued for towns, or villages, and hold no major power. Most local governments sign bills and laws and regulations related to road infrastructure, business, and other infrastructure. They hold no power over the city government and can be overruled by the city government. Local governments depend on funding from city governments and most times request financial assistance from the state.