Trisha Eloise Robins-Banks(April 16, 1977 - May 28, 2024) was a Jesstopian politician who sought election as Hilson's governor during the 2024 Gubernatorial Election. She dropped out on January 30, 2024. She previously served as the 2nd, Second Honorable Lady Of The United States Of Jesstopia. She resided in the Nationalist House Guest House from November 28, 2020 - August 19, 2022. She is married to former Vice President Richard L Banks. She married Vice President Banks on July 21, 1999. Mrs. Banks is a politician and a former senator from New Shire. She has also been in Politics since 1991. She has chaired several Federal Boards including the Federal Crime Investigation Service, and the Federal Aviation Safety agency as well as the Federal Bureau Of Prisons, where she has held multiple advocate roles. She has been featured on the several Government programs.
Senate Career(1991-2010)[]
Banks was elected as one of the four senators from the Great State Of New Shire, from 1991 to November 2010. She has advocated for women's rights and civil liberties for women in countries were they may have no rights, or very limited rights.
In 1998, Banks became the first women to be elected as the Senate Majority Leader in the Jesstopian Senate. During her tenure in the Senate, Banks focused on creating a strong partnership between the federal government and Jessy The Great II. She focused much of her attention and reaching out to Jessy The Great II to focus on creating a strong relation.
She was also a font supporter of the Special Olympics, similarly to her husband, Richard Banks. She supported and even help organize events for the organization and was on its board of trustees until 2020, when she was forced to resign when she became Second Honorable Lady.
Governor Of Hilson(2010-2020)[]
Trisha Banks was the second female in Hilson to hold the title of Governor. She was Governor For Five Terms.
First Term(2010-2012)[]
On March 15, 2010, Banks was sworn in for her first term in office. She served for a total of 2 years during her first term. She sought and won a second term in the 2012 elections. During her first term, she worked to restore natural and renewable energies like the expansion of the state's solar panel programs as well as the introduction of bills banning gas and diesel powered vehicles in favor of electric powered vehicles. She also focused on completely refitting the states education system and the standards of the Hilson Department Of Education.
Second Term(2012-2014)[]
On March 15, 2012, Banks was sworn in for a second term. During this second term, she focused her energy and time on reducing the crippling inflation that had devastated thousands of small businesses, and other family owned farms. She worked to strengthen the farming industry in the state and produced over 23% of all state farming GDP which fell during the tenure of Governors Lacklan and McCallum. She is most remembered for her anti-drilling efforts which would promote in state oil drilling at drilling sites across the state.
Third Term(2014-2016)[]
On March 15, 2014, Banks was narrowly reelected to a third term. She served from March 15, 2014 until March 15, 2016. During her third term, she focused solely on infrastructure growth and development. She also heavily reworked to structure of the state's Department of Environmental Conservation and ensured that natural habitats were protected from deforestation.
Fourth Term(2016-2018)[]
On March 15, 2016, Banks was sworn in for a fourth term after a heavily contested election was called. Many contest that Banks narrowly won the election while others contest that she completely lost the election. Votes were re-tallied and she was named victor. During the early part of her fourth term, she focused on election reform, government spending reform and justice reform. She focused on building relationships with law enforcement and the communities that they served. She was instrumental in arresting and firing over 25 corrupt FCIS agents who worked to deport legal-Jesstopian immigrants. These agents are still sitting in jail for their crimes.
Fifth Term(2018-2020)[]
Banks won a fifth term on February 25, 2018 after defeating Henry Jamieson. Her fifth term was plagued by scandal and was marked with over half of her previous staff resigning from office for various incidents and issues. She worked to rebuild trust of her administration with Hilsonites by providing more transparency and issuing stricter ethics standards. She also focused heavily on gay and transgender rights, signing several hundred laws, ethics codes and anti-discrimination bills that. She also signed the Safe State Act, which focused on providing a safe harbor for members of the LGBTQ+ community. She focused much of her fifth term in office providing a safe-place for members of this community and ensuring that they had the resources and support they needed. She served her remaining months in office, fortifying previous oil reserve legislation, including the anti-drilling policies that she made during her second term.
On May 28, 2024, former Vice President Richard Banks, announced via his personal X account that his wife, had died peacefully at home in Nox City, North Lorray a little after 5:45 PM. Banks' was only 47 at the time of her death and she was in relatively healthy shape. An autopsy will be conducted to determine her cause of death. Flags were lowered in her honor by President John McCallum, on May 28, 2024 until the date of her internment.