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Jesstopia Wiki


Trans AP is a train station located in Brown County, New Shire, which currently serves the towns/counties of Rufus, Brown, Frankfurt, and Samson. This makes Trans AP the best train station to use. The routes listed on this wiki, can be easily accessed via Trans AP Trains Station's Website.


Trans AP Train Station, was constructed using mainly, two chemically protected materials, that are Concrete And Wood. The architect of the project said; "These two, materials aren't only super cheap, but they look absolutely fantastic in contrast with one another."

Track Information[]

Trans AP Train Station, has two main tracks, that are currently operational. Each track contains, a chemical blend, that generates heat to keep frost and ice from forming on the tracks' bolts, and causing metal fatigue. The tracks are designed to withstand, 150 Mph winds, and allows a train to function securely, and safely in such conditions.

Track Crossing(s)[]

Trans AP Train Station, currently holds the world record for the safest track technology, as well as the world record for the highest passenger safety record on Earth. Each Track is equipped with 2 cross-walks, implemented within the tracks' design. Each cross-walk is designed, to stop trains, 5 minutes from the train station, via pressured sensors located within the painted cross-walks.

Train Station Projects[]

The Trans AP Train Station, project planning/management team say that the train station may be getting an upgrade with the addition, of 4 new terminals. Each terminal will be color coded, for the ease of the passengers. The project is also expected to add 8 new tracks, integrated payment systems, and so many other cool things.

Estimated Expenditure[]

Trans AP says that in order to complete the project, the Train Station will need additional funding, along with a construction team.

The Estimated Cost/Expenditure is approximately $6.7 Billion