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The Towton International Airport will be a 4.5 Billion dollar project which will establish Towton’s official International Airport. The County Of Towton authorized the plans of the airport, which will enable for Economic growth of Jesstopia, as well as grant more spending for future projects in the greater Towton area.


Project Proposal(s)[]

On March 14, 2019, Former President Joe Diester had planned to construct a J 2.5 Trillion International Airport that would house 6 terminals, 3 cargo terminals, 2 Air Traffic Control Towers. The Airport will be named after the County Of Towton.


On Completion Day, There Will Be 6 Passenger Terminals. Each Terminal will be connected via a Inter-Terminal Transportation Network. Each Terminal will have at least 5 gates per Building, with more if possible.

Terminal One[]

Terminal One is the first terminal to be built at Towton International Airport. The Terminal houses the main access point. Terminal One has road access. It’s construction commenced on March 10, 2021.

Terminal Two[]

Terminal Two is the second Terminal to be constructed. It’s construction was started on March 28, 2021. It was completed on May 18, 2021.

Terminal Three[]

Terminal three is the second largest terminal, coming in clutch behind Terminal four. Terminal three will be able to cater to international passengers. The Terminal currently will have a total capacity of 500,000 passengers.

Terminal Four[]

Terminal Four is the last terminal to have been started on May 25, 2021. When completed, it will be the largest terminal of all of the Airport’s 6 Terminals. Terminal Four has Road Access. In a recent vote, the Towton International Airport's board of directors, agreed to name Terminal four after President Joe Diester, who died in 2020.

Terminal Five[]

Terminal Five will be the second smallest Terminal of Towton International Airport. The terminal will be the Terminal that handles Charter and Regional Flights. It will be in the most Southwestern part of the Airport.

Terminal Six[]

Terminal Six was one of the first terminals to be build at the airport. It was started in late March and finished in June 2021.

Airport Leadership[]

Chief Executive Officer[]

The current Chief Executive Officer of Towton International Airport is Robert McLean. He was appointed Chief Executive Officer on February 3, 2021.

Chief Operations Officer[]

The current Chief Operations Officer of Towton International Airport is Chris Dawe. He was appointed Chief Operations Officer on February 3, 2021.

Board Of Directors[]

Board President - Jerry Benson

Board Vice President - Joan Marks

Board Secretary - Zasha Erickson

Safety Strategies Director - Robert Dershland

Chief Financial Officer - Gerald Fernwood

Customer Service Director - Lillian Chung


View all departments available at Towton International Airport.

Customer Services[]

  • Billing and Card Services
  • Lost or Stolen Property Report Center
  • Damaged or Destroyed Property
  • Lost Child Report Center
  • Booking Service Center
  • Airline Service Center
  • eTagging Service Center

Emergency Departments[]

  • Towton International Airport Police
  • Towton International Airport Fire Rescue

Third Party Services[]

  • Taxi And Cab Service
  • Airport Shuttles
  • Airport Trams
  • Terminal ToTerminal Transportation
  • Gate To Gate Transportation
  • Handicapped Transportation


Towton International Airport will have a total of 8 Runways. The Runways include; Runway 25 L, 25 R, 10, 35 L, 35 C, 35 R, 24 L, and 24 R.

Runway 10[]

Runway 10 is the shortest runway at Towton International Airport. Runway 10 runs parallel to the access road of Terminal 6.

Runway 24 L[]

About Runway 24 L

Runway 24 R[]

About Runway 24 R

Runway 25 L[]

Runway 25 L is one of the main runways alongside Runway 25 R. Most traffic departs from Runway 25 L/R. This runway is closest to Terminal Two

Runway 25 R[]

Runway 25 R is one of the main runways alongside Runway 25 L. Most traffic departs from 25 R/L. This runway is closest to Terminal One.

Runway 35 L[]

About Runway 35 L

Runway 35 C[]

About Runway 35 C

Runway 35 R[]

About Runway 35 R


At Towton International Airport there is 24 Hangars projected to be built at the airport.

Arrow Airlines Hangar[]

The Arrow Airlines Hangar at Towton International Airport is located South of Terminal Three. It is a yellow and orange hangar with ‘ARROW’ at the top.