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Thomas Edward Cooke(January 28, 1969) is a Jesstopian Politician and Businessman, who is seeking election to the Jesstopian Senate in 2025. Previously, he sought election as the President Of The United States Of Jesstopia during the 2024 Jesstopian Presidential Election. Prior to that Cooke served as New Shire’s 44th Governor from 2021 until 2024. He served as the State’s 21st Lt Governor from April 30, 2021 until he was sworn in as New Shire’s 44th Governor on September 28, 2021. He is a former businessman and executive, who led Jesstopia's largest retailer, Product Mart. Thomas Cooke was the former and third Chief Executive Officer of Product Mart and Product Mart JST. He was also the CEO of Cooks Of Jesstopia, until it shutdown on June 11, 2021. It was a place where chefs could share recipes that were very important to them. He sought the Jesstopian Presidency during the 2024 Jesstopian Presidential Election. He lost the election to Jay Laylin, 158 vote bank points to Cooke's 82.

Early Life[]

Thomas Cooke was born on January 28, 1969 to Mother Dorthy McCalister and Father Joe Cooke. During his high school years, Cooke was interest solely in Business and Financial Services. He went on to become a member of the Jesstopian Business Honor Society, from which he obtained the Presidents Seat in his Ninth Grade Year of High School. After graduating high school, he went on to obtain his business management/customer service degrees which he obtained from the university of Westchester, then part of the British-Columbia. He then went on to open his first business Cooke Holdings LLC, which closed due to the lack of clients. Cooke then opened his which he gained attention from wealth billionaires, such as Frank Rufus and his families foundation. He went on to hold multiple CEO positions, which he did until former Product Mart CEO Mark Prescott asked him to be the brand new Chief Executive Officer and President of Product Mart in March of 2019.

Personal Life[]

On April 12, 2004, Cooke married his high school sweet heart, Former Honorable First Lady Of New Shire Linda Cooke. They have two children, and own two Lemon-Collar Wolves. He lives currently at his private residence in Bolton, New Shire. On June 1, 2022, Cooke and Wife Linda announced that Linda was pregnant, and would be having their first child.[1] On December 13, 2022, it was announced that Governor Cooke and First Honorable Lady Linda Cooke would be having twins.[2] On February 5, 2023, Cooke announced the due date of their twins. It was announced that the twins would be born on March 12, 2023.[3] On March 10, 2023, two days before they were expected, Twins Rocky Cooke and Brody Cooke were born five minutes apart.

Following his campaign announcement for Governor Of Mesa in 2024, Joseph Cooke was announced to be Thomas' eldest Nephew, by the 2024 Presidential candidate. In brief he said: "He is a Cooke. He is my nephew and I know the desire that burns within him. He'll make a great Governor and I hope that the Mesian people will see the kind of leader that the State needs."


On April 13, 2024, Cooke was rushed to Rufus County Memorial for a very severe stomach pains which, according to his own words, believed was just diarrhea. He also later confirmed that the pain had moved from one side of the body to the other. He then said he was convinced that it should pass, and attempted to go back to bed. He rushed to the hospital early this morning, and was diagnosed with an inflamed appendix. It was announced that it would removed as a preventative measure.

On September 4, 2024, Cooke announced via a campaign statement that he had tested positive for COVID and would be self-isolating at home for 5 days. He said that the next presidential debate will carry on as scheduled as he will back to campaigning by September 9, 2024.


Thomas Cooke began his career as a businessman at a very young age. He begin to understand how Jesstopia's economy worked, and how it was built by masterminds. Cooke eventually created several successful but now defunct businesses, in which he described as being Tremendously interesting to watch. Product Mart and Arrow Airlines would soon understand the power of Cooke's mind.

Appointment As Product Mart's Chief Executive Officer[]

On March 20, 2019, Thomas Cooke accepted and took on the role of CEO, of Product Mart, and formerly heads Product Mart's emergency response training sessions of all its lead management. On May 16, 2020, he was fired as Product Mart's CEO after he was accused of making fraudulent claims under Product Mart's Name. He was preceded by John Mallone as Chief Executive Officer.

Appointment As Arrow Airlines' Chief Executive Officer[]

Following his March termination, Cooke faced several legal battles, which he overcame. Following his Acquittal, Arrow Airlines took the unusual route of hiring him as Arrow Airlines 4th President and Chief Executive Officer. He has since resigned from running company as Chief Executive Officer.


Business Appointments[]

  • On January 21, 2021, Cooke appointed Seth Morgan the Chief Executive Officer of Arrow Airlines, after Cooke announces his departure from business, to allow him to focus on and build a strong political career.

Legal Troubles[]


On May 14, 2020 it was discovered by the JRS, that Cooke, would be issued J 4.6 billion dollars in fines after a fraud warning was issued. He was prevented from returning to work as CEO by Product Mart's Parent Company Product Mart Stores Inc until his legal troubles were over. He was replaced by former Product Mart CEO John Mallone. Thomas Cooke fully resigned as acting President and CEO of Product Mart on May 16, 2020. On March 9, 2021, it was revealed that the JRS had made an accounting mistake. They issued a refund of the 4.6 billion dollars.


Thomas Cooke has only been involved in Politics since 2020, when President Joe Diester was sworn in for a second time. For his time in politics, he has entered the 2024 President Campaign as a Presidential Candidate. He also became New Shire's 21st Lieutenant Governor on April 30, 2021[4]. He succeeded Mark Maulkinkski as New Shire's 44th Governor on September 28, 2021.


Thomas Cooke became the 44th Governor of New Shire State on September 28, 2021, following the resignation of then-Governor Mark Maulkinkski. He will be succeeded by Lynn Rodgers on May 10, 2024. During his first day in office, he closed State schools in response to the surge in COVID cases which have been commonly found in school environments. He left office on May 10, 2024, following the swearing in of Lynn Rodgers.

April 2022 Shooting[]

On April 27, 2022, while attending a conference, Governor Cooke was shot and critically injured. He was transported to E. North Point Medical Center, where he was being treated. He made a successful recovery.[5] After the shooting, news media called him the "Stone Warrior" for his eagerness to get out and work for the people of New Shire.

Executive Orders[]

On September 28, 2021, Governor Cooke signed Executive Order 044.10, in effort to end the serious outbreak of COVID 19 in State Schools and Districts.

EO Number Date Description
044.10 September 28, 2021 Closure Of Schools State Wide, To Support Public Health
044.15 October 1, 2021 Renter's COVID 19 Financial Assistance
044.20 October 1, 2021 Penalties For Businesses Who Fail To Fairly And Adequately Pay Workers, Without Reference To Gender
044.25 October 3, 2021 Mask Mandate For Non-Vaccinated New Shirens
044.30 October 9, 2021 Declaring Lancel Park Has Been Renamed To Joseph M Diester Memorial Park
044.35 November 13, 2021 Mandating Internet Service Providers, Offer Free Service For Students In Grades K-12
044.40 November 13, 2021 Directing The New Shire State Department Of Commerce To Fully Enforce The Mandate Requiring Internet Service Providers To Offer Free Services To K-12 Students
044.45 November 27, 2021 Mandating Masks Statewide In Response To The Omicron Variant Of COVID-19
044.50 December 5, 2021 Extending School Closures To Support Public Health Amid The Omicron Variant Of COVID-19

To see a complete list of Executive Orders of Governor Cooke, Click Here.


On December 17, 2021, Thomas Cooke received the Nationalist Party's Nomination as a front runner in the 2022 New Shire Gubernatorial Elections.[7]


On November 26, 2021, a lawsuit was filed in State Court in response to the loss of income due to a Government Action, which is a result of Cooke's Free Internet Mandate.[8]


On June 16, 2022, a video surfaced online, showing Cooke calling fellow Governor, Kirk Paul's girlfriend a whore.[9] On June 17, 2022, Cooke issued a formal apology. The apology was aimed towards Governor Paul, his girlfriend, Cooke's family and the citizens of New Shire.[10]

Thomas cooke speaks with rcia employees 7-3-22

Governor Cooke speaking to employees of the Rufus County International Airport on July 3, 2022.

Public Relations[]

On July 3, 2022, Cooke addressed employees of the Rufus County International Airport to respond to concerns they have about their jobs and the employee benefits when the Rufus County International Airport closes after the Rufus-Nimitz International Airport opens. He address the employees concerns and reassured them that their employee benefits would remain in tact.[11]

During the speech he also said that the state will protect their benefits and employment if they work for new Rufus-Nimitz International Airport.[12] He also said that he would be working to sign several bills that would ensure that their pay was also unchanged and it would only be protected if they continued to work for the Rufus-Nimitz airport.

Winter Storm Ashley Response[]

On November 17, 2022, Cooke announced that a winter storm would hit Jesstopia, causing mass flooding. In response to this, Cooke closed schools that Friday[13], prompting the state to announce a state of emergency. In doing so, Cooke announced that the state would activate its national guard, and other natural emergency response teams.

On November 18, 2022, Cooke announced that schools would remain closed through November 28, and further guidance would be provided at a later time.[14]

Farewell Address[]

Governor Thomas Cooke Delivers Farewell Address

Governor Thomas Cook Delivers His Farewell Address At The State Capitol On May 9, 2024.

On May 9, 2024, at 5:00 PM, Cooke delivered his farewell address to the people of New Shire before he left the State Capitol and returned home to his private residence in Bolton, New Shire. The address outlined accomplishments of the Cooke administration and outlined progress still needed to be done. He gave praise to Lynn Rodgers, a key Cooke ally who succeeded him as the 45th Governor and first female Governor of New Shire.

"It has been the honor of my life to be your Governor," Cooke issued during his farewell address before signing of as the 44th Governor Of New Shire for the final time. He thanked his supporters, and his family, who supported during his leadership of the State.

Lieutenant Governor(April 2021 - September 2021)[]

On April 30, 2021, Cooke became the brand new Lieutenant Governor Of New Shire State. On July 21, 2021, Lt. Governor Thomas Cooke announced that New Shire Schools would reopen in the fall.[15] Following Governor Maulkinkski’s resignation early on the morning of September 26, 2021, Cooke was poised to become next and the 44th Governor of New Shire.[16]

National School Safety Commission[]

On June 10, 2022, Cooke was sworn in as a member of the National School Safety Commission, a commission whose aim in to provide a safer, more secure education for all students of K12 and all educational facilities around the United States Of Jesstopia. He serves as a Board Member and has done so Since June 10, 2022.


Cooke was instrumental in joining New Shire into the NSSC. The State has received membership First with advisement of Cooke, who proposed to the Commission what it will do to further the program.

As a member state, New Shire has committed over 2.5 million for the commission to conduct research on school safety, school shootings and other mental health research. New Shire has the largest budget within the Commission and is guiding the way for other member states.

2022 Gubernatorial Elections[]

On November 12, 2021, Cooke Launched his 2022 Gubernatorial Campaign. Over the past few months, Cooke has campaigned in several areas of the State including North Point, Rufus, as well as Arrow Head New Shire. During his current campaign, he has reported that his reelection would allow for the State to recapture the true essence of Government, by increasing spending to improve the State's Education system, eliminate racial injustice, reform the State's Government, and repeal unfair and unconstitutional laws and regulations. Key points from Cooke's campaign include creating more policies governing Local Ordinances regarding facial coverings and COVID-19 protocols.

2022 Gubernatorial Elections[]

During the 2022 Gubernatorial Elections, Cooke faced off against Republican Candidate, Parker Jackson. Cooke was elected to a full term on April 14, 2022.[17] [18]He was inaugurated on May 10, 2022.

2024 Presidential Bid[]

Announcement of Candidacy During The 2024 Presidential Race[]

Minecraft-2024 08 20-14 35 07

Presidential Candidate Thomas Cooke arrives in Mesa to discuss ongoing Mesa Water Crisis on August 20, 2024. He waves to onlookers as he arrives.

On November 27, 2020, Tom Cooke announced that he would be running for President of Jesstopia, and promised to run as a Candidate of the Presidential Race of 2024. He is currently working with party politicians, to successfully win the Presidential Nomination. He also said that he would fully govern the Country and keep its National interests at the forefront of his decision making, policy making and bill making process.2024 Presidential Running Mate

2024 Presidential Running Mate[]

On March 6, 2022, Thomas Cooke named John Thurman his running mate during the 2024 Presidential Elections.[19] Thurman has served as a Representative of North Lorray's 81st Congressional District. He will be the first black person to hold the office of Vice President. He will also be the first North Lorrayan to serve as Vice President as well.

Campaigning Website[]

On June 30, 2022, Cooke’s Campaign Team formally published his campaign website. It is located at[20][21] The website provides updates on the campaign, including information such as endorsements, faqs, resources, data and more. Additionally, the site provides insight into the campaign donations received by the campaign, something that has never been provided until after the election is over in previous political races.


On December 29, 2023, the Nationalist party named him the default 2024 presidential nominee, after James Hibbert dropped out of the race, endorsing Cooke. The party was hoping that it would boost his popularity but polls suggest it hurt his popularity. Polls will be conducted throughout the rest of 2024 until October when the elections take place.

Voters of the Nationalist Party have mixed reactions to the lack of political debate. Most voters are saying that it makes 2024 easier without having to decide between two candidates during the primary elections which will be held from Saturday May 25 until Tuesday August 20, 2024. Other voters say it should be up to them who is the president in 2024, even if it means going against the preferred candidate.

As of January 3, 2024, Cooke has yet to accept the nomination, something that most Nationalists that he'd immediately accept, seeing as he was the front-runner for so long. The party believes that Cooke will formally accept closer to the end of June, instead of now. It is also likely that Cooke could refuse the nomination altogether as he had publicly expressed that he wants a free and fair election early on in his campaign.

Rally Suspensions[]

On July 15, 2024, Both Thomas Cooke's and Jay Laylin's campaigns agreed to stop rallying in response to former US President Donald Trump's assassination attempt. Both campaigns made an agreement and both parties signed it.[22] Both party's agreed that if they want to hold a rally it must be done virtually.[23]

Presidential Polling[]

Starting September 5, 2024, polls indicated that Thomas Cooke was beginning to head towards stalling polling numbers. 12 polls that were conducted between September 5, 2024 and October 1, 2024, show that he continues to have stagnating polling numbers, as support shifts towards Republican Jay Laylin. Laylin has begun his comeback after months of being behind Cooke in major polls.

2024 Presidential Town Hall[]

Thomas Cooke Town Hall 2024

Thomas Cooke hosts a town hall on October 6, 2024, where he took on questions from Republican, Nationalist and unsure voters.

On October 6, 2024, Thomas Cooke hosted a town hall at the New Shire Governor's Mansion where he took questions from voters. During the town hall, he took questions related to the economy, inflation, crime and taxes. He took a majority of questions from Nationalist voters, while alienating Republican and unsure voters, likely signalling that he had to pre plan his answers.

Post town hall analysis, shows him lower than ever in polls. Analysis cites his unpreparedness. Nationalist voters say they hoped for more from Thomas Cooke. Polls reflected that Jay Laylin did much better than Cooke.

States Won By Thomas Cooke During The 2024 Presidential Election[]

On October 16, 2024, polls opened to voters at 7:30 AM. Certification of election results isn't expected to begin until after 11:00 PM on October 16, 2024, when polls close. Estimates show that the presidential race could be called as early as Saturday October 19, 2024, but that is no guarantee.

  • Cooke wins New Shire with 14,590,592 votes.
  • Cooke wins Brighton with 5,000,000 votes.
  • Cooke wins Lisbon with 2,706,514 votes.
  • Cooke wins Lorray with 1,000,569 votes.
  • Cooke wins Cameron with 7,156,409 votes.

Defeat By Jay Laylin[]

Cooke officially lost the election on October 18, 2024, to Republican challenger and President-Elect Jay Laylin. The loss was bitter, as he had started out the 2020's at the height of his popularity, boosting to the top of any poll that was taken of him. Especially since he announced his plans to run in 2024, just after the 2020 Presidential Election was called. The defeat is even more bitter, now that he has no political office to go back to. Experts say he played his cards wrong. He should have run a 2024 New Shire Gubernatorial bid, and than left that office if he lost. He chose to give up his chance a reelection, being replaced by fellow Nationalist, Lynn Rodgers.

2025 Senate Bid[]

On October 25, 2024, Cooke announced that he was seeking election to the Jesstopian Senate during the 2025 Senate Elections. He is seeking to defeat incumbent Republican Senator Benjamin Morris, who has served in the Senate for 25 years. He is running on the promise of renewed energy, better and fairer pay for blue color workers, and to ensure that the LGBTQ community are protected from any harm or hateful rhetoric that will be spewed during the Presidency Of Jay Laylin. On October 31, 2024, Thomas Cooke announced that he launched his Senate bid.

Campaign Timeline[]

  • December 23, 2024 - Cooke launches his official campaign for Senate, hoping to defeat Republican challengers to win one of four seats up for election this year.


Presidential Medal Of Great Sacrifice - For Contributions To The Political And Business World; Dedication To Public Service, October 5, 2024.


  1. Thomas Cooke and Wife Linda Are Expecting, Sources Reveal - Retrieved June 12, 2022
  2. Thomas Cooke And Linda Cooke Are Having Twins - Retrieved December 13, 2022
  3. Governor Thomas Cooke's Twins' Due Date Revealed - Retrieved February 5, 2023
  4. New Shire Selected Its New Lieutenant Governor Following The Death Of Lt Governor Polushki - Retrieved April 30, 2021
  5. Governor Thomas Cooke Shot, In Critical Condition - Retrieved April 27, 2022.
  6. New Shire Executive Orders - Retrieved December 5, 2021
  7. New Shire's Incumbent Governor Nominated As The 2022 Gubernatorial Nationalist Candidate - Retrieved December 17, 2021
  8. Governor Cooke Is Facing Backlash From Internet Service Providers Over His Free Internet Mandate - Retrieved November 26, 2021
  9. New Shire Governor Heard Calling Mesa Governor Paul's Girlfriend A Wh*re - Retrieved June 17, 2022
  10. New Shire Gov. Cooke Apologizes For Wh*re Comment - Retrieved June 17, 2022.
  11. Governor Cooke Speaks To Rufus County IA Employees - Retrieved July 3, 2022
  12. Governor Cooke Addresses Concerned RCIA Employees About Future - Retrieved July 3, 2022
  13. As Flooding Worsens, Schools Across New Shire Are Closing Its Doors - Retrieved November 21, 2022
  14. Governor Cooke Announces School Closures Through November 28 - Retrieved November 21, 2022
  15. Lieutenant Governor Cooke: New Shire Should Be Reopening Schools In The Fall - Retrieved August 10, 2021.
  16. Thomas Cooke To Become 44th Governor Of New Shire - Retrieved September 26, 2021
  17. Gov. Cooke Reelected As New Shire's Governor - Retrieved April 14, 2022
  18. Governor Cooke Reelected To A Full Term - Retrieved April 14, 2022
  19. Gov. Cooke Named John Thurman His 2024 Running Mate - Retrieved March 6, 2022
  20. Governor Thomas Cooke Launches Campaign Website - Retrived July 1, 2022
  21. Cooke For President Of Jesstopia - Retrieved July 1, 2022
  22. Cooke, Laylin Suspend Presidential Rallies Following Saturday's Trump Shooting - Retrieved July 16, 2024
  23. Jesstopian Presidential Candidates Thomas Cooke And Jay Laylin Agree To End Rallying After Saturday - Retrieved July 16, 2024