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The Speaker Of The House Of The People is third highest position in Jesstopia's federal government and is second in the Presidential Line of Succession, behind the Vice President Of The United States Of Jesstopia. As Speaker, they facilitate meetings, votes, restore and keep order during House Debates, Meetings, or Congressional Hearings. They are also in charge of upholding Jesstopia's Constitution. He is seeking reelection in 2025.

History Of The Position[]

The Speaker Of The House was first created on August 7, 1807, when the Jesstopian Government established the House of the Jesstopian Congress. It was the first chamber of Congress to be established. As of November 12, 1952, the Speaker gained additional law making powers but can only use such powers in cases where the House or Senate are split evenly, in a vote, and when a substantial event is taking place. The Speakership even now has gained significant roles in Jesstopian Politics. The House Speaker serves alongside the Deputy Speaker.

Current Speaker[]

The current Speaker Of The House Of The People is Matthew Carrington. He was elected the 33rd Speaker Of The House during a special House vote on January 17, 2025, where he received 288 votes supporting his speakership.

Deputy Speaker[]

The current Deputy Speaker Of The House Of The People is Nolan Burmaster.

Vacating The Office Of Speaker[]

In any event, the controlling party of the House Of The People has the authority to vacate the Speaker's chair, if for any reason, the Representatives of either party of the House become unhappy with the Speaker, the speaker violates House rules, or they simply want a new speaker. In order to vacate the chair, a motion to vacate must be signed by at least two members of the party, and then a vote will be formally called, and if a majority vote results, the Speaker is ousted from office. In the history of this authority, it has only been used once and that was for Speaker Gretchen LeWolf on December 6, 2024.

Attempt To Remove Gretchen LeWolf[]

On December 16, 2024, House Speaker Gretchen LeWolf faced mounting pressure to resign, before later in the day, a motion was filed by Representative Christopher Rodgers and Richard Sanchez, and it was privileged and was pushed to the top of the important motions. It was not until 4:49 PM that the public became aware of the actual motion. A round of voting provided to be inconclusive with a second round of voting expected on December 7, 2024.

Speaker Pro Tempore[]

The Speaker pro tempore is a constitutional office that is used in the event that a House Speaker is absent from the House, resigns, is impeached or dies while in office. The Speaker pro tempore who serves in the place of the Speaker is generally the Deputy House Speaker, and that person will appoint a Deputy Speaker Pro Tempore as is required by the Constitution Of The United States Of Jesstopia.

Speakers Of The House[]

To view a complete list of Speakers who have served, see List Of Speakers Of The House Of The People.