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The Secretary Of Defense of the United States Of Jesstopia is the highest official who is part of the Jesstopian Department of Defense who oversees operations of the Jesstopian Military(Army, Navy, Marines, and Air Force), The Department Of Homeland Security, Personal Identification Program(PIP), Jesstopian Embassies, and other offices overseas. It is the job of the Secretary Of Defense to issue directives to each important sector, at the advice and approval of the President and Congress.

Roles and Functions[]

The roles and functions of the Defense Secretary include, deploying military troops, vehicles, aircraft and weaponry, aid the President in making wartime decisions, then executing those decisions, advising the President on incoming threats the National Security of the United States Of Jesstopia. The Secretary suggests when a war or conflict should be declared by the United States Of Jesstopia.

List Of Secretary Of Defenses[]

In it's complete history, the Department of Defense has had 21 Secretaries, before that they were called Defense Officers and there were 150 Defense Officers.

Secretaries Of Defense
Name Tenure Entered Office Left Office Reason For Departure
1 Lance Basset 42 Years June 25, 1844 June 25, 1886 Retired
2 David Cail 20 Years June 25, 1886 June 25, 1906 Retired
3 Jerry Shropper 20 Years June 25, 1906 June 25, 1926 Retired
4 Daniel Sealevy 20 Years June 25, 1926 June 25, 1946 Retired
5 Christopher Cupper 4 Years June 25, 1946 June 25, 1950 Retired
6 Ricky Walton 2 Years June 25, 1950 June 25, 1952 Retired
7 Kevin Riordan 1 Year, 6 Months June 25, 1952 December 29, 1953 Resigned Amid Sexual Allegations
8 Chris Tapperton 6 Months December 29, 1953 June 25, 1954 Finished Off Previous Term
9 Sherry Wilson 4 Years June 25, 1954 June 25, 1958 Sought Election In Congress, Failed
10 Gavin Adams 10 Years June 25, 1958 June 25, 1968 Retired, Other Interest
11 Cameron Royce 4 Years June 25, 1968 June 25, 1972 Resigned, The Royce Payfair Scandal
12 Gary Mack 2 Years June 25, 1972 June 25, 1974 Retired
13 Eric Snell 1 Year, 5 Months June 25, 1974 November 16, 1975 Died While Serving In Office
14 Martin Small 8 Months November 16, 1975 June 25, 1976 Interim Secretary Of Defense
15 Henry Cagney 4 Years June 25, 1976 June 25, 1980 Died While Serving In Office
16 Troy O'Manning 8 Years June 25, 1980 June 25, 1988 Resigned, Due To Health Issues
17 Nick Vargas 4 Years June 25, 1988 June 25, 1992 Assassinated, While Visiting Afghanistan
18 Tanner Mitzger 14 Years June 25, 1992 June 25, 2006 Retired
19 Christina Wrogg 2 Years June 25, 2006 June 25, 2008 Retired
20 Nick Byden 10 Years June 25, 2008 November 16, 2018 Removed By Pres. Joe Diester
21 Sharron Diez 5 Years November 16, 2018 October 31, 2023 Resigned, Amid Gaza Air Strike That Killed 190 Children
22 Micheal Van Heusen 11 Months October 31, 2023 November 16, 2024 Term Ended
23 Corbyn Willard -- November 16, 2024