Jesstopia Wiki


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Jesstopia Wiki

The Jesstopian-American War colloquially known as the Great War was a major war that was fought from September 13, 1803 until June 23, 1805 when Jesstopia successfully seceded from the USA. The war in its entirety, was lead by Jesstopia's founder Jesstinian The Great who was a key contributor to the victories the Jesstopian Army had.


Jesstopia's founder and leader Jesstinian, sent several letters to the Government of the United States of America addressing their concerns, and even going as far as calling the United States Of America a hypocritical Tyrant. The purpose of this address, was to effectuate the immediate revision of laws and practices in which the United States was using. When the letter failed to attract the U.S Government's attention, the people and militia's of the Jesstopian Republic, collectively known as Jesstopia, then drafted a Legislative Bill wherein hopes to alleviate the anger of the Jesstopian people. They sent that Legislative Bill on August 1, 1803. Again the Government of the United States of America, failed to act, and there, the Jesstopian people knew nothing would happen. At that time, they started drafting the Declaration Of Independence of Jesstopia. They sent the draft to the newly forming Government. Finally, after much effort and much inaction of the Government to act accordingly, the Jesstopian people declared war on the United States of America.


Battle Of Frankfurt Heights[]

The Battle Of Frankfurt Heights was fought from September 13, 1803 until around June 7, 1803. The Jesstopian Militia was announced victorious. After about a week of celebration, troops from the United States Continental Army, were deployed to disband the disobedient citizens(the Jesstopians) in an attempt to deter the militia from starting any more battles, but lacked the backing of the Government to do so. Fighting began again on June 16, 1803, and the Battle Of Fort Jesstinian was commenced. It was swiftly ended on October 1803, when both sides withdrew troops, from the battle fields.

Battle Of Fort Jesstinian[]

The Battle Of Fort Jesstinian was a battle of the Jesstopian-American War, which started on June 16, 1803 and ended on October 11, 1803, via the removal of troops from the battle field. Both sides signed a Cease-Fire Order for about a week. During the battle, Fort Jesstinian was constructed for Jesstinian The Great and his army.
