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Inauguration Day 2024, was held on November 16, 2024. At the first Presidential Inauguration, former Supreme Court Justice Evan Laylin administered the first oath of office to President Joe Diester and set the precedent and officially concreted the date that Inauguration day will be held. According to the President John McCallum, he said that himself as well as the Late President Diester discussed that this date be selected for the future of the J.S Presidency.


On November 16, 2024, at 9:00 AM, President-Elect Jay Laylin and Vice President-Elect Cole Bindle were welcomed by President John McCallum and Amber McCallum, as well as Vice President Travis Loretti and Second Honorable Lady Ariel Loretti at the Nationalist House, where they will receive a tour of their new home. Following that, the outgoing President and First Honorable Lady will give the incoming President and his partner a gift, which is traditional around the globe.

At noon, President-Elect Laylin and Vice President-Elect Bindle were sworn in on the Inaugural Platform, constructed on the steps of the Jesstopian Capitol. Jay Laylin was sworn in at 12:05 PM, after Cole Bindle was sworn in at 12:00 PM. During the inaugural ceremony, Laylin wore the Inaugural robes and will hold the Staff Of Power when he recited the Presidential Oath Of Office. Congressional leaders including Speaker Gretchen LeWolf, Deputy Speaker Matthew Carrington, Senate Majority Leader Larry Cofelt, Senate Minority Harry Rodham and their respective families attended the Inauguration.

The Inauguration kicked off at noon on November 16, 2024, and the events will ended at 1:00 PM. Following the Inauguration President Jay Laylin witnessed the Pass-In-Review of the Jesstopian Troops of all the Jesstopian Military Branches. The President then met with his Chief Of Staff which are the people he will work with over his term. The President and Vice President will then met with the Laylin-Bindle cabinet, which they selected before election day. Following the inaugural ceremonies, the newly sworn President and Vice President led President John McCallum, and Vice President Travis Loretti to their respective helicopters where they departed the Capitol.

The end of day activities include signing the first of many Executive Orders, appointments, other administrative items, and will conclude by 9:00 PM. Following the first day activities, the President will attend his first official dinner, the Presidential Ball, which is hosted following Inauguration day and will be the first major party the President will be part of. President Laylin signed a reversal order to reverse the 2024 Israel Travel Ban.

At 2:00 PM, President Jay Laylin spoke with the members of the press at the Press Room at the Nationalist House.

At the end of the day, the President will address the Nation for the first time as President. The address will usually be used to give Citizens a glimmer of what they can expect from him during his first 100 days in office. This process varies from different presidents. Joe Diester only thanked supporters for their donations, support and getting him elected. John McCallum didn't hold a statement as he succeeded to the Presidency by the death of Joe Diester.


Many people believe that the Inauguration of Jesstopia's first Republican head of state in the history of the country, will open doors for national success, economic recovery and world peace. They also believe that it will allow Jesstopia to create an even stronger relationship with the United States, specifically since former US President Donald Trump won election as the 47th President of America. Both men have been in contact since his assassination attempt in July.

Other Inaugural Events[]

On November 15, 2024, outgoing President John McCallum attended his military farewell ceremony at Rufus County International Airport, where he received several awards and honors for his role as Commander-in-Chief. Former President Joe Diester, who preceded McCallum, also received posthumous awards and accolades for his role as the first President of the United States Of Jesstopia.