Evan Laylin(July 7, 1956 - August 1, 2020) was an Jesstopian Lawyer, and 2nd Supreme Court Justice of the United States Of Jesstopia. He held the office until his death on August 1, 2020. He was head Secretary General Of Jesstopia's Army and Navy. He was also a soldier in 1996 and obtained the Supreme Court Justice title in June 21, 2008.
Early Life[]
Justice Evan Laylin( July 7, 1956-August 1, 2020) was born in North Point, New Shire. He grew up on a small farm in North Point from July 1956 until his family moved to Samson, New Shire in April 1966. He also attended private schools for most of his life, as his family was well known at the time. Laylin
Jay 'Evan' Laylin- Only Son Of Evan and Nancy Laylin. Jay is a Jesstopian politician who serves as the 3rd President of the United States Of Jesstopia.