The Attorney General Of The United States Of Jesstopia is the head of the the Department Of Justice Of The United States Of Jesstopia. The Attorney General works with the Director Of The Department Of Justice to operate and enforce the Federal laws of the United States Of Jesstopia. The current Attorney General Of The United States Of Jesstopia is Brian Wallard. He has served since 2024 under the Presidency of Jay Laylin.
The Jesstopian Attorney General was first established back in 1812, to help the new nation fight crime and help to enforce federal laws. The Attorney General answers to the President Of The United States Of Jesstopia and is elected alongside their parties presidential and vice presidential nominee. The Attorney General candidate for both parties are generally selected by the party's presidential candidate. He is a member of the cabinet, and reports directly to the President, and answers the president's questions about the laws, and legality of acts the President passes.
Election To The Post[]
The Attorney General Of The United States Of Jesstopia is elected by the people during presidential elections. Most times, the Attorney General who will appear on the party ballot is generally selected by the Presidential nominee of that party. Whichever presidential candidate wins the election will have that Attorney General elected as well. Prior to the establishment of the Presidency, Jesstopia's current head of state would appoint the national Attorney General, and that person would usually only serve 2-10 years before being replaced.