Air Jesstopia is a Jesstopian commercial airline that serves as the National Airline of the United States Of Jesstopia. It serves the entirety of Jesstopia. It was founded on April 5, 1967 and has served as the National Airline of Jesstopia since August 21, 1967. Air Jesstopia offers cheap flights to any airport within the United States Of Jesstopia.
Establishment Of Air Jesstopia[]
Air Jesstopia was founded on April 5, 1967, by Brad Orlean, who invested J 2.5 Million in 2 airplanes, and a central terminal. The aircrafts were 2 JTY 111s that were ordered from JTY Aircraft Manufacturing and were delivered on July 8, 1968. The aircraft were the first to role out of the JTY 111 assembly line and continued in service until September 2005.