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The 2028 Presidential Elections will be the 4th Presidential Election to be held within the United States Of Jesstopia. The 2028 Presidential Elections will be held on October 16, 2028, and will seek to elect the next President Of The United States Of Jesstopia and the next Vice President Of The United States Of Jesstopia. The candidate nomination's deadline has been set for June 20, 2028. It is heavily speculated that Jay Laylin will seek a second term, but this has yet to be officially confirmed. It is also speculated that Thomas Cooke could eye a second bid for the Nationalist House, but that has also yet to be confirmed.


Every single presidential election since 2020, has taken place every four years on either October or November 16 of election year. In 2022, Congress made October 16 the official election day. Previously, the election was held on November 14, 2028 and rushed poll counters to get the counting done by November 15 at 11:30. They hand counted over 89 million ballots and the election was given to Joe Diester. Congress decided to follow what state elections do, and have the election one month before the official swearing in and it gave time for poll workers to count votes.


Announced Candidates[]

  • There are no current candidates who have announced their intention to run during the 2028 Presidential Elections. The election during the 2028 Presidential election will be held on October 16, 2028.

Potential Candidates[]

  • There are no current potential candidates who have announced their intention to run during the 2028 Presidential Elections. The election during the 2028 Presidential election will be held on October 16, 2028.

Withdrawn Candidates[]

  • There are no current withdrawn candidate who have withdrawn from the 2028 Presidential Elections. The election during the 2028 Presidential election will be held on October 16, 2028.

Publicly Declined[]

  • Gretchen LeWolf(N), Speaker Of The House Of The People, Expressed Has No Interest In Seeking Office In 2028.

Eligible Candidates[]

  • John McCallum(N), 2nd President Of The United States Of Jesstopia, Served One Term
  • Travis Loretti(N), 4th Vice President Of The United States Of Jesstopia, Did Not Serve As President
  • Thomas Cooke(N), 44th Governor Of New Shire; 2024 Presidential Nominee, Did Not Serve As President
  • Jay Laylin(R), 3rd President Of The United States Of Jesstopia, Served One Term
  • Richard Banks(N), 2nd Vice President Of The United States Of Jesstopia, Did Not Serve As President
  • Joshua Adamson(R), 20th Governor Of Mesa, Did Not Serve As President


This will be where all events related to the election will appear. This timeline will not start being listed on until election day which will be held on October 16, 2028.

States Won By Each Candidate[]

States Won By Candidate
State Vote Bank Points Won


Number Of


Total Registered Voters/Votes

Per State

Vote Bank Points For

Republican Candidate(TBD)

Voter Bank Points For

Nationalist Candidate(TBD)

% Of State In
Acacia 10 1,059,029 0%
Brighton 9 5,988,010 0%
Cameron 21 10,998,810 0%
Hilson 25 10,185,200 0%
Jordan 6 2,000,447 0%
Le Mont 27 4,968,439 0%
Lisbon 9 3,582,202 0%
Lorray 18 1,896,198 0%
Mesa 25 9,256,309 0%
New Shire 25 15,592,420 0%
North Lorray 25 12,592,999 0%
Porter 28 7,502,980 0%
South Lorray 12 4,005,999 0%
Total Registered Voters: 89,629,042 Total Votes:
Total Vote Bank Points

150 needed to win

0/150 0/150

Final Vote Count[]

Final Vote Certification Totals
Total Votes For Republican Candidate(TBD) Total Votes For Nationalist Candidate(TBD)
Percentage Of Votes Won Percentage Of Votes Won
Total Votes Without Difference Total Votes With Difference
Vote Difference Vote Difference
Election Vote Total

2028 Presidential Debates[]