Cole Bindle spoke with a group of Mesa Highway Patrol troopers about the Laylin administration's plans to reform the justice system, and ensuring police are protected.
NEWS 28 - Vice President Cole Bindle was in town at Alden's MHP troop headquarters where he laid out his vision for strong justice reform as well as introducing legislation to afford more law enforcement and emergency service personnel with more protections while they carry out their duties on a daily basis.
Vice President Bindle has long been a strong advocate for strict protections for police officers, and other emergency first responders, citing the need for emergency personnel to do their jobs without fear of losing their jobs, while they ethically and honorably discharge their duties to protect our nation's streets.
"I am honored to be here with you all today as we look to ensure you all have protections and your fellow law enforcement officers across this great country," said Vice President Cole Bindle. "We must work to push forward and ensure you have the necessary protections to safety, effectively and efficiently do your jobs. I've spoken to police officers across the country, who say that they can't do their jobs effectively for fear of being retaliated against by their own departments. President Laylin and I are committed to ensuring we push through legislation that safeguards you from any civil or retaliatory measures taken by the public or your own departments in some cases. This doesn't mean it will be a free pass to be violent towards people, violate department ethics and other policy, but blankets good cops from bad cops."
Vice President Bindle included several cases where police should have had protections, and actually put the lives of cops on the line. The Laylin administration has put its full weight behind law enforcement and even more so express concerns of growing violence against police and emergency responders.
"We appreciate the work the law enforcement officials across the country do day-in and day-out," continued Vice President Bindle. "We have a lot of work to do, to ensure these protections are granted to you all."
Vice President laid out the administration's plans to reform the justice system to ensure everyone continues to receive a fair and unbiased trial and to ensure they are treated ethically during the entire journey the justice system across the country.