NEWS 28 - President Jay Laylin has ordered the Jesstopian military and the Defense Department to ready surface to air missiles, to strike Iran if it continues to attack Israel, as Jesstopian allies juggle three wars hoping for world peace.
"I've made it very clear that the United States Of Jesstopia will launch retaliatory missile strikes against Iran if it attacks Israel," said President Jay Laylin. "We will continue to monitor the situation between Israel and Iran, and we have remained in contact with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to discuss further moves if Iran should launch further attacks on Israel."
The President and his Defense Counsel, spoke about treaties between Iran and Israel, and to end the formal fighting between both countries, but with the ICC's recent arrest warrant for Netanyahu, JS Officials are working to find meaningful grounds to host a civilized discussion. Vice President Cole Bindle is set to visit Israel, where he will meet with the Israel Prime Minister.
"To work towards ending the conflicts between Iran and Israel, Vice President Cole Bindle will visit with Prime Minister Netanyahu, and will discuss ways to end the conflict," continued President Laylin. "Vice President Bindle will play a vital role in ensuring domestic cooperation in ending the major conflicts that broke out during the last four years of US President Joe Biden. We believe his lack of sanctions, and lack of authority on the world stage, contributed to the conflicts that broke out all across the globe. We are hoping to restore order and will work to produce a safer, more secure and more peaceful world for everyone."
The National Missile Defense Operations Center has been ordered to ready all non-nuclear missiles to be ready for launch, with the range able to reach Iran in less than 20 minutes. The United States Of Jesstopia has been pretty much hands on with fighting between Ukraine and Russia since 2022, and President Jay Laylin has voiced that he is trying to not be in conflict with other countries, but vowed that he would forgo his hands off policy, if Iran attacked Israel.
The Jesstopian Defense Department says that it has ordered missiles be ready for President Jay Laylin's launch authorization. Defense Secretary Corbyn Willard says that the United States Of Jesstopia is ready to defend its Israeli ally.
"We are not playing around and we will not tolerate further attacks on Israel," said Defense Secretary Corbyn Willard. "Therefore, the President has made it clear to me and the entire Defense department that he won't tolerate the attacks on one of Jesstopia's strongest allies. We have prepared missiles to destroy Iran if absolutely necessary."