NEWS 28 - President Jay Laylin issued, what some would call, a very emotional and touching statement on the passing of former Speaker Vinny Montez who died this morning. The two shared a strong friendship and that was reflected in the president's touching tribute.
In his speech, he reflected on their friendship, his fierce but kind heart and his dedication to god, family and country. The president was praised by critics for honoring the late Speaker, who was a Nationalist Party. Members of both families expressed how deeply their friendship runs, and shows that their is some common ground in being kind to one another, regardless of political party.
"Today, I sadly have had to extend the half staff flag order until the internment of former House Speaker and my dear friend Vinny Montez who died while asleep. My heart and prayers go out to his incredibly warm and loving family, whom I've grown to admire and respect," wrote President Laylin. "Former Speaker Montez, played a key role in pushing for funding to support US operations to catch Osama Bin Laden. His dedication to ensure that the victims of 9/11 got the justice they truly deserved, led many people in the House and Senate, to attract to him. He was a kind, funny and loving man, who cared deeply for his constituents, his country and more importantly his family."
President Laylin had grown a close relationship with Montez during his early years in the Senate. He often worked side by side with the House Speaker, and their friendship grew stronger as Laylin became more popular as the Senate Minority Leader.
"Former Speakers across our nation's expansive history have done different things since leaving office, but Vinny Montez dedicated his-post Congressional days working with kids across the country, who were underserved and who were abandoned by their government," continued the statement. "He personally funded after school programs for at-risk youth. His life long dedication to service and public life and to country and family, has granted him a special place in the hearts of all Jesstopians regardless of political affiliation."
Montez had asked President Laylin to cosponsor several bills aimed at targeting homelessness and violence in underserved communities across the country, which helped with reducing the number of teens and young adults living on the streets.
"As we mourn this great man, we remember the actions he took while serving as Speaker. We remember the dedication to the people of long-forgotten communities, and the Speaker who had done so much to better the lives of Jesstopians across this country. His death rips a huge hole in the fabric of our nation's values, as he not only upheld those values, but lived them day in and out. Kelly and I can't express how sad we are hearing of his passing. At this point, the family is asking for privacy as they mourn. Funeral plans are at the wishes of the family. They did confirm that he would lay in state at the Capitol. Those plans are being worked on with the families help," the president's statement continued. "Vinny, you will be truly missed and may you, your should and your kindness rest at peace, and may you be granted entry into god's home. God bless you, thank you for your service and thank you being a fair, kind and loving friend. Rest easy."
The President is expected to visit the Capitol building where he will pay his respects. The President didn't confirm if he would speak at Montez's funeral, but several family members have offered an invitation for him to be there. It is likely that he will make a speech for Montez.
"We send our sincerest thanks to the president for his comments," said a member of the family. "Montez and Laylin had one of the strongest friendships among congressmembers, and Laylin visited us often. For those that want to call him out for caring deeply for our father, you are sick. They were great friends and I know that his death has hurt the president."