NEWS 28 - Governor Joshua Adamson has been sworn in for a first full term after succeeding Former Governor Kirk Paul after his resignation last year. He defeated Nationalist Challenger Joseph Cooke.
The race was called on October 19, 2024, but voter turn out during the gubernatorial election has decreased since 2018. Adamson however had a strong popularity rating, which like contributed to his victory over Cooke, plus Jay Lalin, a Republican, winning the Presidency as well.
”I am honored to be your governor and I look forward to these next two years, before our state makes history and transitions to four year terms,” said Governor Adamson during his inaugural speech. “There is so much work we need to accomplish and I look forward to working with President Jay Laylin on accomplishing his agenda and ensuring he has full cooperation from this state. The people have spoken and they don’t want to return the state how it was under Nationalist control. High crime, drug and sex trafficking, high inflation and high grocery costs are a major contribution by the Nationalist Party, so voters turned out to say, we will not return to that. I am honored to serve as the chief executive of the State of Mesa and let’s get to work and ensure a strong future for our children.”
Governor Adamson was sworn in at 9:00 AM, and will serve out this term until November 18, 2024. He will be able to run for two more four year terms as when the new term limits go into effect in 2026, his terms served will reset.
”I very much look forward to working with Governor Joshua Adamson during these next two years,” said President Jay Laylin. “There is so much we will be accomplish when Republican led states work together to accomplish our shared vision of the future of our states and country. We will accomplish so much with him in office in Mesa. I look forward to the next two years ensuring prices go down, inflation is crushed and families can afford their gas and groceries.”