ALDEN - Alex Paul, son of the late Kirk Paul, and 19th Governor Of Mesa, has been released from the hospital following observation and the all-clear that he is not a risk to himself. The hospital did not respond to our request for comment, but with permission of Alex and the Paul family, his psychiatrist did reveal that the reason for his momentary psychosis was form depression from the deaths of not only his father, but his brother Matt in 2023.
Alex's psychiatrist said that it was only temporary and the suicide attempt was only to ease the pain of losing the people closest to him. With the right treatment, his doctors and counselor say he will be on the track to living a healthy and productive life.
After his suicide became national, Alex Paul announced that he would not be returning to Roxwood, and would instead head to Harvard, where he will attend law school there. He was accepted last week with a scholarship to Harvard Law School. Roxwood said he'd be welcome back anytime.
"He really struggled with the death of his brother, and then when his dad died in June," said Rachel Hernandez MD, and PsyD. "If he had been any other circumstance, it is very likely that he wouldn't have attempted to take his own life. He is a smart kid, he was just going through a rough part of his life."