NEWS 28 - The Senate has passed the 2024 Inflation Reduction Act, and is now being prepared to be sent to the president where he will sign the act into law, therefore ensuring that the inflation is able to be directly addressed and artificially reduced as more programs, contained within the bill are activated.
"I knew this act would pass but I didn't realize how strongly it would have been supported," said Senate Minority Leader Harry Rodham. "We appreciate the cooperation between House and Senate Nationalists with Republicans. We are doing something for the better of our country and that means ensuring the President's economic policy is pushed through. We are working for the people of our great country."
Several members of the Senate Republican caucus say they are pleased, including embattled Senator Joey Rigg, who said that the bill will artificially lower the inflation and make living in the United States Of Jesstopia cheaper and better.
"This act will work to artificially lower the crippling inflation that has been exacerbated by former President John McCallum's economic policies that failed the people of this country," said Senator Joey Rigg. "We must continue to support and push Jay Laylin's agenda because it is ensuring a strong Jesstopia for all, while ensuring we prosper as a nation on the global scale."
The act, now a bill, will be sent to the Nationalist House for a signature from the president is set to sign it into law during his regular scheduled bill signing session tomorrow morning. The bill will then become active and the contents of the act will become active.