NEWS 28 - Former Speaker Of The House, Gretchen LeWolf announced early this morning that she was asking Speaker Pro Tempore Matthew Carrington to call a vote on an impeachment inquiry that now has received harsh criticism from her own party and Republicans.
In a brief submitted to the House leadership, including her former Deputy, Speaker Pro Tempore Matthew Carrington, she accuses the president of inciting mass targeting of illegals by Jesstopians, and says that his rhetoric has led to the injury of over 25,000 illegal immigrants. She says that by spewing hate filled rhetoric, he contributed to thousands of illegals being terrorized and harmed.
"I am asking that an impeachment inquiry be started into President Jay Laylin, for leading in, spewing hate-filled rhetoric that has led the injury of at least 25,000 illegal immigrant who were sent back to their countries of origins," said Representative Gretchen LeWolf. "I ask Speaker Pro Temp, to move for a floor vote on an impeachment inquiry of President Jay Laylin, who led to mass targeting of illegals, leading to violent attacks on these individuals."
When asked about her attempts at an impeachment inquiry, Speaker Pro Tempore Matthew Carrington said that it was her right to push for a vote, and that he would leave it up to House members, and said he doesn't support the impeachment, and says plenty of other members of the House don't support it either.
"While I personally don't agree with the attempts to impeach the President, she has every right to bring the motion to the floor, as a member of the House," said Speaker Pro Tempore Matthew Carrington. "I believe that as Speaker Pro Tempore, it is my duty to ensure all members of the House are heard, and not just those I agree with. If she brings the inquiry to the House floor and members agree to voting on it, I will support their decision as my duty entails. Many Nationalists won't support the impeachment but again, it is up to house members."
Representatives including Braden Harris, Gina Horschel, Senate Majority Leader Larry Cofelt and Pauline Brighton announced that they would vote against impeachment after learning of LeWolf's plans to seek an impeachment inquiry against the President.
"I believe this "impeachment inquiry" is very much a retaliatory act," said Representative Braden Harris. "She has made very clear statements that she would fight his administration in every way possible, and has a strong discontent for the President. She knows that this impeachment attempt will go no where, and I am ready to stand up against it."
Representative Gina Horschel defended President Laylin against LeWolf claiming that she was just in it for retaliation for being forced to step down as Speaker for her anti-Laylin rhetoric.
"The President is less than 2 month into his presidency and he has introduced legislation that I don't necessarily agree with, but as President is his prerogative," said Horschel. "But LeWolf's attempt to 'get even' by means of impeachment don't hold any bearing or weight. She is just angered at the fact that she was forced to step down, because of the choice she made to knowingly and willingly prevent important border security legislation that would protect the national interest of Jesstopia and the people that live here. I will not support the impeachment effort. He's done absolutely nothing to warrant the process even being brought up."
Senate Majority Leader Larry Cofelt, an outspoke critic of President Laylin even called the move a shame, and harmful to the effective governance of Jesstopia.
"I am extremely disappointed in Representative Gretchen LeWolf's decision to move for an impeachment inquiry," said Leader Larry Cofelt. "She is effectively using the power she has to get retaliation against the President. I think it is a miscarriage of justice and power, and I will see to it that this impeachment inquiry is rejected. I call on my House leadership colleagues to do the same. It is a shame and harmful to the effective governance of our great land."
The House Nationalist caucus will likely not vote for impeachment until next week, as they have a full schedule ahead of them this week with votes scheduled every day until Sunday. It is heavily speculated that the impeachment inquiry vote will fail.