RUFUS - House Speaker Gretchen LeWolf is preparing to leave the Speaker's chair tomorrow, and as she does that, Deputy Speaker Matthew Carrington is preparing to become Speaker Pro Tempore, and is preparing by looking to the future, rallying his caucus to work closely with the Laylin administration to work hard for the Jesstopian people and deliver the results he says "they want."
Embattled Speaker LeWolf is set to leave the Speaker's chair tomorrow, but she will remain in Congress for the duration of her remaining term, which is set to expire in November. She has also said that she isn't running for reelection during the 2025 Congressional elections.
"We must work to provide results that benefit the Jesstopian people, even if that means reaching across the isle to deliver results for the people of this country, not government and not in our special interests," said Deputy Speaker Matthew Carrington. "We must not let our own interests get in the way of the job we were elected to do to ensure that the people of this great nation are served. We are elected officials, not god-anointed officials, like the King Of England. We work for the people, and are elected by the people. Let's not forget that."
Carrington said that he is committed to working with both sides of the House to ensure votes are put to the floor in an effective and timely manner, work on securing the border, and ensuring that the economy is put at the forefront of House activity. He says that while he is only Speaker Pro Tempore, he hopes to rally his caucus around supporting secure borders, lowering the cost of living and ensuring the homeland is secured from terrorists.
"We have a mandate from the Jesstopian people that should be clear as day that they didn't like the way things have been done," continued Carrington. "It was made clear when the people voted for our nation's very first head of state, and the very first Republican president in October. We can't forget that, and we must ensure we work for all people and not the people of Congress."
Speaker LeWolf will leave the speaker's chair around 9:00 AM tomorrow, and it is expected that she will personally hand the gavel over to Deputy Speaker Carrington, who will then take his place on Speaker's chair as Speaker Pro Tempore.
"I am honored to have served this great House as its speaker," said Speaker LeWolf. "I am honored to have worked hard for the people of my district and across this country. I know we accomplish so much more and provide a more secure future for all going forward. I look forward to finishing off the remainder of my term. Thank you all."