RUFUS - President Jay Laylin has issued that he will forcefully take command of State national guards by federalizing them, if State governors in Nationalist-led states choose to use their national guards to block continued federal efforts to deport illegal immigrants. The President had harsh words on Monday for the Nationalist officials who said they would fight tooth and nail, day and night to ensure that the illegals were not deported.
"It's time we take back our country from liberal Nationalists," said President Laylin. "There is a time and place for everything and now is the time and place to kick illegals out, so that we can give jobs back to the Jesstopian people, boost our nation's Gross Domestic Product(GDP) and restrengthen our economy. It simple really."
The President went on to discuss how federalizing the state national guards is the only way to defeat the liberal madness, and the corruption that has allowed these illegals to remain in our country for as long as they did. He said he isn't going to fight the governors on an issue that falls within the grounds of the federal government.
"It has been brought to my attention that deportation efforts have slightly stalled in Nationalist-led states that are refusing to cooperate with deportation efforts, including threatening the use of National guard troops to block these efforts. It has also come to my attention that most of the states that we have deported are reporting that Nationalist states are continuing to bring in hundreds to thousands of illegals daily.
"As I have made clear many times, my duty as President of the United States of Jesstopia is to ensure border security, by any means necessary, therefore, I will take command of all State National guards if the threats to use these soldiers to block deportation efforts continues. Unlike in the US, state guards my also be federalized, but in rare cases, and I will use them as well to ensure that all illegals are removed from our country and sent back to where they came from," wrote the President in a statement published to the Nationalist House website. "As of next week, I will meet with leaders of the Jesstopian Border Protection Agency to discuss continued policies that would aid in effectively, quickly and permanently remove these individuals. Our country is consistently being invaded by foreign nationals who don't belong here and are illegal. The governors that are supporting illegal immigration could also face prosecution if they continue to harbor these individuals. Therefore, I now promise to take full command of the Jesstopian Military guards in all 13 states. I will not allow Nationalist governors from getting in my way and I will jail any state, county, city or local official that tries to get in my way which is outlined in Article 9, Title 255, subsection 9201 of the Immigration And Customs Code."
The President said the only thing that is preventing the rest of the illegals here from leaving is the Nationalist Governors protecting their sanctuary cities. He said he will find a work around without needing the take full command of the national guards in states where these cities are authorized. He said that he can also take control of the state funding the state receives, if they don't comply with deportation efforts.
"If it becomes necessary, I will order the halting of federal funding to the states that don't comply," continued the president. "Under federal code Title 2, Article 551, subsection, the president can 'withhold federal grants and funding to effect cooperation in circumstances of great importance with relations to the national security of the United States Of Jesstopia,' and my job requires me to do just that if state's don't comply."