RUFUS - Incoming Speaker Pro Tempore, and current Deputy Speaker Of The House Matthew Carrington has selected his Deputy Speaker Pro Tempore, who will serve as the Deputy House Speaker Pro Tempore, until an election can be held to elect a new House Speaker and Deputy Speaker. Very early this morning, he announced the Nolan Burmaster would serve as his deputy.
The Deputy Speaker said he chose Nolan Burmaster for the job because Burmaster has shown that he puts partisan politics aside for the good of the country, a stance he has held since assuming office following the resignation of former Representative Brian Whittier in February 2022.
"I am pleased to announce today that I have selected the person who will serve as Deputy Speaker Pro Tempore. This individual has shown great support for the people of this country, often voting against his own party for the better interest of the United States Of Jesstopia as a whole," said Deputy Speaker Matthew Carrington. "Nolan Burmaster will serve as the Deputy Speaker Pro Tempore until the September election. He has shown great strength and courage over his career in Congress, and now that he has proven to me that he can lead as second in command effectively and fairly, I have had the opportunity to serve as my number two. He will serve the people of this great state while I am away or unable to attend a House sitting."
Representative Nolan Burmaster has been in Congress since 2010, but he only served in the House since 2022, being appointed by then-Governor Thomas Cooke to replace Whittier. In 2023, he was elected to his first full elected term.
"I am honored to be selected to serve as the Deputy Speaker Pro Tempore," said Representative Nolan Burmaster. "It is a job that must be done, and we will ensure that we fairly execute the duties of these offices, and ensure bipartisan votes on legislation, spending proposals and other legislative proposals by the President. We can't stop working for the Jesstopian people because the person who proposed securing our borders is of a different political party than us."
Burmaster voted against ever measure to ensure borders remained open during the presidency of John McCallum, advocating for secure and locked down borders, and also supported Republican sponsored bills aiming to deport illegals across the country. He has been praised by Republicans across the country for reaching over the aisle and supporting "what is right but not always popular with his party."