NEWS 28 - Deputy House Speaker Matthew Carrington is set to take on the role as Speaker Pro Tempore on January 5, 2025, and will succeed Gretchen LeWolf as the top brass in the House, before the 2025 Speaker Election. Additionally, he has already reportedly begun his staff members to serve as he leads the House is a very limited capacity.
But as he prepares to leave his role as Deputy Speaker to Speaker Pro Tempore, he will be required to select his Deputy Speaker Pro Tempore, a role that was established in Article 257, clause 25 of the Jesstopian Constitution. He is likely to select one of his closest allies for the role of Deputy Speaker Pro Tempore. But with many people's names on the shortlist, he is set to announce his pick for his Deputy later this week. He is now in a transitional position, where he is getting ready to take over for Speaker LeWolf starting on January 5, 2025.
"There is still so much work to be done to transfer limited power over to Matthew Carrington," said House Clerk Marjorie McClellan. "Speaker LeWolf will leave the Speaker's chair, but Carrington isn't going to get full authority of the Speakership, because he wasn't elected by the people and majority of the House. The Speaker Pro Tempore only serves in a limited capacity, until the 2025 House Speaker Election is held. There could be a special vote to allow him to become the Speaker of the House, but a majority of Republicans would likely not support his speakership."
Carrington has shortlisted several people for the Deputy position. The individuals included in the list are business people, fellow Representatives as well as several local officials. It hasn't been announced who these people are, but it is likely people close to him.
"I haven't made any decision on who would serve as Deputy Speaker Pro Tempore, but that announcement will come sometime later this week," said Deputy House Speaker Matthew Carrington. "I will work to transition into the role so that when January 5, 2025 rolls around, I will be ready to assume to role as Speaker Pro Tempore."