RUFUS - Members of the House Of The People are set to vote to either retain House Speaker LeWolf or vacate the chair, for her soft on illegal immigration stance she had held and continues to hold by blocking major legislative votes. Members of both parties will cast their votes to either support her speakership or to remove her from the position. If they successful vacate the Speaker's chair, she will be replaced by her Deputy Speaker, Matthew Carrington, who would then serve the remainder of her term as Speaker Pro Tempore.
According to the motion to vacate the Speaker’s chair filed by both members is a direct result of House Speaker Gretchen LeWolf failing to uphold her oath of office, and work to close and defend the borders of Jesstopia. Calls for her to ramp up border security efforts have failed, and that resulted in Deputy House Speaker to run to defeat her in the 2025 House Speaker Election.
“I think her failure to uphold her oath to defend the people of the United States Of Jesstopia from enemies of the state, to illegal aliens and terrorists, is what resulted in this motion to be filed by myself and Representative Sanchez,” said Representative Chris Rodgers. “We are working to push for better leadership that will work with both sides to shutdown our borders to illegal immigrants and protect our nation’s citizens. She failed as Speaker to do that and her blatant disregard for Jesstopia’s border protection and prosperity is clear and was made clearer when President Jay Laylin was elected the 3rd President Of The United States Of Jesstopia back in October.”
Other members of the Republican Party have vowed to vote to vacate the Speaker’s chair and place Matthew Carrington into the office as Speaker Pro Tempore until the 2025 House Speaker Election. Nationalist support has been growing with Representative Braden Harris and Representative Benjamin Folley expected to likely vote in favor of ousting Speaker LeWolf, a provision in the Jesstopian Constitution that has never been used before.
“It is time for us to find a Speaker who respects the constitution and the laws of this great land,” said Representative Richard Sanchez. “My family came a long way and overcame hard work to be able to live in this great country. Speaker LeWolf cares more about the rights of the illegal immigrants who come here, then those who have put in the work to become a Jesstopian citizen. She violated her oath of office, and now she will face the consequences. That is why Representative Rodgers and I have signed this motion to vacate. My hope is that my fellow colleagues will see the problem within her speakership and her lack of care for border security and the rights of the people’s representatives to vote on the 2024 Inflation Reduction Act.”
“I know many Nationalist Representatives too, are fed up with her inability to compromise, to ensure that our national borders are protected, something that well before election day, she said she wouldn’t support if Jay Laylin was elected President,” said Representative Patty Wilcox. “I have always supported our caucus, but her not helping the President do his job, regardless of political party to secure our borders, is just unbecoming of a Speaker of the House. I’ll vote to vacate.”
The vote is set to be voted on the House Floor at 6:00 PM, where all Representatives in the House will vote to either vacate the seat or let House Speaker LeWolf to retain her seat. Whatever the outcome, Nationalists say they will work to compromise with President Laylin’s border policy. Republicans says they are ready to get back to work for the Jesstopian People, but says that they can’t do it without the absence of Gretchen LeWolf as Speaker. They hope to vote for her to be ousted so they can put Matthew Carrington in as the Speaker Pro Tempore, as he is more willing to work with Republicans to push border security funding and immigration policy into law.