NEWS 28 - President Jay Laylin is sending over 100,000 troops to the major ports of entry, border crossings and other access points across the United States Of Jesstopia, in hopes of clearing out all illegal immigrants from Jesstopia and stopping them from coming over illegally altogether.
The Jesstopian Army, Marine Corps, Air Force and Navy servicemen and women are being told to enforce strict immigration detention practices, meaning that they are now authorized to detain and process illegal immigrants who are either in the country already or who are trying to get over. Officials at the border are working to stop immigrants from entering the border, and are working with state, federal and military officials to aid in this goal.
"President Laylin issued that he wanted to send 50,000 Jesstopian troops to the different points of entry into the United States Of Jesstopia to stop the immigration of the illegals, while simultaneously getting those that are already in the country," said Secretary Of Homeland Security Marcus Welder. "The President doesn't need to go through Congress to do this, and he has made it very clear that he will do as much as he can to secure our borders, before needing to ask Congress for approval for any emergency funding or approval to make border moves. We will continue to provide the troops he needs, and will continue to support securing our borders."
The President is working to provide more funding for special operations at the border, which will allow further efforts to take place, which will stop the high levels of illegal immigration. His homeland security team is also preparing immigration data for the president to review. It is expected that over 12.2 million illegals will be deported between now and 2026.