NEWS 28 - Former House Speaker Braden Harris is vying for a chance to return to the House Of The People's speaker chair, after 3 years since leaving it as the 31st Speaker. He claims he is seeking to be elected as the 33rd Speaker Of The House, since Speaker LeWolf announced she would fight any and all border security policies of President Laylin.
"I think its time that we put someone in the Speaker's chair that cared about the security of the people of this country," said Representative Harris. "There needs to be a person who not only cares about border security, but for other issues that face this country. I hope to return to the Speaker's chair to allow our country to progress forward not backwards. Speaker LeWolf has not been able to do that and that is a great concern for many of the members of the House Nationalist caucus."
While Harris said that he could gain enough support from his fellow Nationalists, but they said the very opposite. Many Representatives said that Harris ran his course as House Speaker, and shifting political ideals, forced him to become irrelevant to the party's cause, and that came just after he announced that he was not seeking reelection in 2022.
"I believe that Speaker LeWolf is the best chance for us to prevent Republicans from violating the rights of Jesstopians for the next four years," said Representative Greg Wallace. "She has been a steady House leader since 2019, and now that she is House Speaker, she is the only glimmer of hope for the next generation of LGBTQ Jesstopians."
Other Republican lawmakers in the House say they are rejecting Speaker LeWolf to a second term, and say they will vote for whoever else is up for the job. Many Republicans are hoping to gain a majority in both the House and Senate during the 2025 Congressional Elections.
"She should not be in the position she is in," said Representative Dan Porch. "She has actively said she will resist border security measures proposed by President Jay Laylin. She should not be allowed to continue her role as Speaker if she can be bipartisan and support the Constitution of our great land."
The 2025 House Speaker Election will take place on September 5, 2025, and Speaker LeWolf is seeking reelection, but her approval ratings are very low, according to a recent poll, she is polling lower than any other current candidates. She has a low approval rating due to her mishandling of the 2022 McCallum Sex Scandal Case. She has struggled to boost her polling numbers and is now facing a fight for reelection to her Representative Seat in 2025.