President-Elect Jay Laylin speaks to supporters after he won the Jesstopian Presidency, in Front of the New Alden High School on October 18, 2024.
ALDEN - President-Elect Jay Laylin spoke to his supporters after winning the Presidency on October 18, 2024, and discussed his further vision for the future of the United States Of Jesstopia and where he wants to bring it now that he will be the next President. He also addressed Thomas Cooke's concession phone call he received.
"Mr. Cooke was very gracious with is concession speech," said President-Elect Laylin. "He congratulated me on a hard fought campaign, and wished me all of the success. He said that we are one nation, and he would continue to support my success, as it is the success of all of us. He wishes me health, safety and great luck as the next President Of The United States Of Jesstopia. I of course thanked him."
Jay Laylin won an astounding landslide victory against Cooke, which ended the election with 158 - 82. Both men fought hard to win the Presidency, but only Laylin was able win it. Many experts say his win came from his understanding of people and the struggles they are currently facing.
"We did it," continued a very upbeat Jay Laylin. "We will make the changes that this country needs. Work to fix the crippling inflation that the Nationalists have pushed onto you for the last 218 years. We will lower costs of gas, groceries, medications, healthcare, because that is what the Government owes you. We will fight climate change, without fighting with your rights. We will ensure that women and men remain in their respective sports, bathrooms and ensure that those people who want to use the wrong restrooms are prosecuted for violating the rights of women and men. We will continue to address the ongoing wars in Ukraine and Israel, but we will not send a single troop back to Ukraine of Israel. On day one, I will reverse the Israel travel ban act, which was foolishly enacted by President John McCallum. I will work to ensure that you will have retirement by ending reckless government spending by enacting policy that will force Congress to modify the way it spends money. I will push for tighter border security by hiring more border agents and ensuring that our women and children are safe from illegal sex trafficking. I will tackle the homelessness and high unemployment rates that have crippled this country, because of the Nationalist Party's centuries long control of the Jesstopian Government."
Laylin continued to address the shooting that killed 20 in the 2024 Anti-LGTBQ protest and sent his thoughts and prayers to the families of all of those protesters who will kicked or seriously injured.
"September 8, 2024, will forever be remembered as a day when the rights of 32 Jesstopian patriots were violated by the most extreme of the LGBTQ community," continued Laylin. "There is no reason twenty patriots are dead. They had the right to exercise free speech and peacefully assembled outside the State Capital. I will continue to push for the death penalty as should be given. The shooter, a transgender man, opened fire on protesters who opposed the passage of pro-LGBTQ policy that would directly affect their children's education. We will constantly fight for justice for the 20 people killed and 12 people seriously injured. I will direct my Department Of Justice to continue investigate their deaths and push for the Death penalty. My hope is that those killed get their justice, but also rest peacefully. Our thoughts and prayers are always with them, their families and friends, and their community."
Jay Laylin will be the next President Of The United States Of Jesstopia, and he pledged that he would fight for every Jesstopian man, women and child and work harder for those who didn't vote for him. He promised to make life easier for all Jesstopians, by lowering costs of living, lowering the drug prices, setting a fixed amount for drugs sold to consumers and ensuring that insulin is always readily available while insuring it is cheap to purchase. He vows to uphold justice and ensure that the United States Of Jesstopia remains the strongest country in the world.