RUFUS - President John McCallum has weighed in on the ongoing internal war between Jay Laylin's vice presidential running mate Cole Bindle and Laylin's campaign staff. In a statement President McCallum called the internal war "scary," and a "tell-tale sign of failure if Republicans are elected in October."
"It appears there is a blatant disconnect between Cole Bindle's vice presidential campaign and the campaign staff that have sought to oust Bindle as the Republican vice presidential nominee," said President McCallum. "In order to run a successful campaign you need to have your entire team behind you. That doesn't appear to be the case and just recently, Jay Laylin firing many of his campaign staff shows that the campaign is in disarray. They aren't going to have a very strong campaign if there are doubts about Bindle's abilities."
Jay Laylin fired over a dozen campaign staff including his campaign manager, after he learned that he was looking to remove Bindle off the Laylin ticket. Laylin has strengthened calls for unity among his campaign following the firing of more than a dozen campaign staff members.
The campaign is looking to ensure a Republican victory in October, and says it needs to get together and back both of the candidates who are seeking the nation's highest and second highest offices.