RUFUS - President John McCallum has decided that troops will return back to Ukraine and Israel after hoping to keep Jesstopian troops after the holidays. According to sources, the President spoke with his military Secretaries, and it was determined that it would be detrimental to Jesstopia if he didn't return troops back to the war torn countries.
"It is with great thought and consideration that I must announce that Jesstopian troops who were deployed in Ukraine and Israel, before Christmas and the New Years, will return back to their posts," said President McCallum. "It is not something I wanted to do, but something that was necessary to promote peace in Ukraine and Israel. It would also be highly detrimental to Jesstopia if troops weren't returned to these countries."
The Department of Defense shared President McCallum's sentiment it stating that it would be dangerous not to send troops back into Ukraine and Israel. Defense Secretary Micheal Van Heusen, also made a statement early this morning.
"While we would certainly like to keep our troops here in Jesstopian, the ongoing conflict is much to great right now, and removing troops from both Israel and Ukraine, would be absolutely detrimental to the United States Of Jesstopia, and its allied nations," said Van Heusen. "With the wars continuing to rage on, it would be unbelievable unwise to withdraw troops fully out of Ukraine and Israel permanently. We are continuing to monitor the situation and adapt our game plan as more information is received."
The Jesstopian military has been in Ukraine since 2022, and President McCallum has been a strong supporter of the nation, but tells us he would really like to see a peaceful resolution to the fighting, so that military brothers, sisters, husband, wives, fathers and mothers can come back home. According to reports, over 250,000 troops were killed in Ukraine between 2022 and 2023, and more are expected to die according to recent intel from the Jesstopian Intelligence Agency.
The troop return to Ukraine and Israel will happen in phases, and will be undisclosed. The Defense Department says it would not be making any comment on when they airlifts back to Ukraine and Israel will take place, for the safety of the troops.