JESSTOPIAN NEWS NETWORK - As Braden Harris finishes off his last few months as House Speaker, the last few months will be dedicated to giving incoming Speaker and incumbent Deputy Speaker Gretchen LeWolf pointers in how to be an effective leader and ensure that she remains impartial during her time in the Speakers' seat.
Harris and LeWolf share a special bond, as they have been together since the start of the Pandemic. Harris appointed LeWolf, Deputy Speaker after he was elected the 31st Speaker of the House Of The People in September 2019. They navigated a war with an unstable nuclear war power, and managed to scrape enough funding to ensure that school children had the support and technology they need to have to conduct work from home. They got through 3 bombings, 2 of which were fatal.
"I have the utmost confidence in LeWolf's leadership, and I just plan on sharpening some of those skills before I leave office," said Speaker Harris. "She will be an effective, fair, kind and courteous Speaker. I am very happy LeWolf will be the next Speaker of the House. I wish her all of the best during her next, and can't wait to see her lead this great house for the next 3 years."
LeWolf will be publicly sworn in on November 10, 2022, at noon. She will then proceed to a ceremony in the House Of The People where she will be announced as the brand new Speaker of the House Of The People.
A joint session of Congress will be held to notify both Houses of the significant change in Speakership, a tradition held since Jesstinian The Great III. She will be welcomed by both houses as the new Speaker and then take her seat in the Speaker's chair. From there the Senate will return to its chamber, and work will commence.
As soon as she is sworn in, she will be given enormous power, such as the power to convene the House, during their non-scheduled days of session. She will also be able to move the political and national conversation moving forward.
Many Republican's aren't happy she won the election in 2022, and say that the plan on fighting her tooth and nail during her Speakership.