NEWS 28 - House Speaker-Elect, Gretchen LeWolf was certified early this afternoon as the victor during the 2022 Speaker Elections. She will begin her duties as House Speaker on November 10, 2022, when she is sworn in during a Joint Session of Congress, and Majority Leader Brad Newsom is confirmed as the Senate Majority Leader again.
"I am ready to take on this incredible position," said LeWolf. "I know that by accepting this role, my work only gets more difficult, but understand that my life has and always will be about service to others, especially for this incredible nation. I look forward to meeting with Senate Majority Leader Brad Newsom to promise my unwavering support to the great Senate Chamber. I am also ready to defend our Nation's great Constitution and uphold it to the best of my abilities."
LeWolf has served as Deputy House Speaker since 2019, after being appointed by outgoing speaker Braden Harris. She was personally selected as his Deputy Speaker due to her "ability to understand and embrace the value of the Constitution", and to uphold the entire Constitution with "unwavering allegiance to such document and the United States Of Jesstopia."
Speaker Braden Harris has told us that he is "very happy LeWolf will be the next Speaker of the House I wish her all of the best, and can't wait to see her lead this great house for the next 3 years."
He is expected to give her pointers for becoming a fair, and impartial House Speaker, and to ensure that she is successful in her duties. More on this story to come at a later date.